I still remember those refreshing days of my schooling. when i had gone past 12yrs and started wearing Full trousers instead of those skinny short pants, with a feel from inside that, "I had grown up baby!!!"..
I was in class 7 and only three worlds were known to me... Home, School, and PLAYGROUND..
One fine day when I was playing in school ground I heard a voice from behind, calling me.
"Murali Krishnaaaaaa... Murali Krishnaaa.."
I thought "who the hell is disturbing me" and turned around, to my disbelief its was one of my class teacher.
[Note: Friends here most of the conversations were actually happened in my native language TELUGU, but for everyones understanding, im writing in English]
I approached her half heartedly and wished her "Good Afternoon Teacher !!!" n from inside << "why this stupid teacher is calling me now ?">>
she said with her fowl face, "Principal sir wants to talk to you " and left.
"oops !! several questions raised in my mind.. why ? what ? how ?"
I am sweating but thats mixed up with my play time sweat. I am going closer to his room and my tension is raising..
I Knocked at his door and asked with a humble voice "Excuse me !! sir"
"Yes !" a cool and gentle wishper came from inside.
I thought that there is nothing serious to worry, and wished him "Good Afternoon Sir"
"Well ! hows your studies going on ?" the first question came from him like a rocket..
"Fine sir", I murmured..
"Do you really think that you are concentrating on your studies these days ?", the second question made me think for a while,
<<"why he is asking so ? what made him ask like that ??" >> and i answered in a low Voice "yes sir"
And to my dismay his next command is "take a dictation, I want to test you."
He told me to write and started dictating in Telugu. "Bharatha Desham Naa Mathru bhoomi, nenu naa deshamunu premisthunnanu. Bharatheeyulu andharu naa sahodharulu..... " [Actually its a Telugu version of our Pledge "India is my country, I love my country, all Indians are my brothers and sister.... "]
I am writing what ever he was dictating but in my heart i am thinking <<"Why the hell he is making me to write all this nonsense ?">>
Then he told me to stop and took the paper from me. and along with that he took a paper from his table too..
He is carefully inspecting the 2 papers. i don't have any idea, why he made me to write. I am just worried about how many mistakes i wrote.
then he had thrown that paper on my face and started showering words on me.
" I never expected this from you, I didn't call your parents because, I know you are a bright student and your parents are doing hard work for your studies and career, now don't make them feel sad with your deeds"
I am hearing but didn't understood why he is over reacting for a small dictation, when he himself knows that I am the class first.
Then he said "This is my first and last warning, never repeat this again.."
I was standing quite and unfolded the paper that he throwed at me and I was stunned to notice that.
IT WAS A LOVE LETTER WRITTEN BY ME ?????? (Not exactly Me somebody wrote on behalf of ME to my classmate Miss J)
on that letter some words were rounded off like "nenu [me], premisthunnanu [love] and some more words" .. and i understood the real mystery behind his dictation.
and I started arguing with him "Its not me !! I had never written this letter."
then he raised his voice " If you didn't write how those words are matching ??"
I thought in mind, "what a weird analysis, a boy of my age will write the same way how i wrote.."
I am inspecting the paper like Bhomkesh Bhakshi ( a detective character from a Hindi thriller serial which was famous that times ) and found a clue and showed him.
In Telugu "K" resembles "S" word and the fellow who created the letter plot wrote "K.Murali" in Telugu instead of "S.Murali" which I showed him, and argued further that I am innocent.
Then at last he said " whether you wrote this or not, but this shouldn't repeat again, and concentrate on your studies, Because your parents have lot of hopes on you."
I left the room but not his words, Till now I never wrote a Love letter !! that much his words inspired me.
So, that was my first love letter, Still I don't know "Who Wrote My First Love Letter?"
lol (malli navvaaanu)
soon after I read the blog I laughed first thinking about the moment you gone through. What all the things you would have gone through your mind. And how tensious you would have been at that instance.
But at last you should be happy that you gone through such an incidence which influenced you so much that you never dared to write a love letter. You are fortunate for that, I mean it.
Good read. A good start for blogging. You picked a nice incident to start-up the blog
Will come back to read more
Penki Pinky
oreyyyyyyyyyyy good story ra.....,
Isiliye abhi tak koi ladki nahi patii yaarrrrrrrrr Aur tu abhi bhi kuwara, aawara, banjara ghum raha hai
Good story... ha ha ha
I enjoyed reading :)
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